Bozon 2.4 build 2

Good evening everyone !

I just commited a version to fix some bugs, as said in the changelog below, and I'm finishing a real user friendly config page ^^.

I also added a roadmap page for those who likes to follow my work (and understands some french ^^ )

Thanks to all users who help me in my debugging job: it would be a real pain in the ass without you !


## New in 2.4 (build 2)
- bugfix on lightbox with firefox #108
- missing traduction fr/es #103
- bugfix on share files change #102
- bugfix for password generation 
- enhancement: lock folder with password now with a paswword input and confirm.

Upcoming: more bugfixes and a *REAL* *USER FRIENDLY* config page 

Vus : 296
Publié par bozon : 6